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The Wise Hippo Course
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Tamara Cianfini, Founder of The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme.Join a Wise Hippo course today and discover how to achieve 'The Right Birth On The Day'.
I look forward to welcoming you into the exclusive Wise Hippo HUB very soon.

About your Wise Hippo Teacher
A Wise Hippo teacher oozes passion for positive birth and are dedicated to making sure you achieve the right birth on the day. We become teachers for a very specific reason. Either we have had first-hand experience of a positive birth using the Wise Hippo techniques or we have seen others benefit from them. We are passionate about great antenatal education and we are bursting at the seams to share this life changing knowledge with you.
Wise Hippo Teachers have been trained to a very high standard and they will nurture you every step of the way. Our role is to deliver The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme in a fun and comfortable learning environment so whether you choose to attend a private class or group class you can be sure that you will get exactly what you are looking for when you find your Wise Hippo teacher to support you.

The Wise Hippo HUB
(on this website)
The Wise Hippo HUB is the area of this website for expectant parents. Here you will find all of your materials and resources to help you prepare for the birth of your baby. Your Wise Hippo teacher will need to register your details first so that when you click the QR code on page 8 of your Wise Hippo book it will recognise you. Once you gain access to the exclusive Wise Hippo HUB you can then download all your pregnancy relaxation MP3s onto your device and watch the many videos that make up the educational Wise Hippo video library. Prepare to be inspired!

The Wise Hippo HUB
(on Facebook)
We look forward to welcoming you to the ‘The Wise Hippo HUB ’ Facebook support group where you can share and have any questions answered. It’s a great place to meet others and gather further information regarding pregnancy, birth and parenthood.

The Wise Hippo Book
When you join a Wise Hippo course you will receive a Wise Hippo book containing details of how to download you relaxation MP3s. This book is set out in 4 easy to follow classes including instructions on how to prepare well, homework and practice diary.
The Wise Hippo materials
The Birth Videos
During your course your Wise Hippo teacher will share with you footage of women using these techniques. It may be quite possible that you have never seen births like this before. You know what they say…..seeing is believing!
These births are powerful and will impact you in such a positive way throughout. A Huge thanks to all those couples that continue to share their birth footage with us so that we can inspire more and more pregnant couples to choose The Wise Hippo for their births too.
Your Wise Hippo MP3s include

Cloak of Protection MP3
We know that whenever someone shares a difficult birth story with you or you watch a dramatized birth on TV or in the movies there is potential for the creation of fear which can cause a negative impact on your birthing experience.
This session will help you become more aware of your inner strengths, confidence, and skills, in fact anything that makes you feel powerful. The cloak is then able to protect you, shielding you from any negativity, causing it to bounce off of you and preventing negative messages about birth from impacting on you.

Relax with Nature MP3
Relax with Nature is the main mp3 that you will listen to. It introduces you to your ‘cottage by the sea’ and sets the scene for Cove of Confidence and Sea of Serenity. It works with colour and nature both of which are proven to promote emotional positivity. Positive suggestions are woven through the sessions to inspire confidence for birthing. Listening to this mp3 regularly helps to provide reassurance and will help you to focus on your baby’s birth in a positive way.

Bond and Breathe MP3
Bond and Breathe is a lovely progressive relaxation with the added twist of teaching a useful technique for calming the mind and promoting comfort in the body.
This technique provides a great way to ensure that you are relaxed and calm between surges whilst birthing. It also provides a very quick way for your birth partner to bring you back into a deep state of relaxation should something upset you at any time.

Birth Partners Script
This script is taught in class so that your birth partner is able to support you with your Wise Hippo practice, bringing all the techniques that you have learnt together. This written script is in your Wise Hippo manual.

Cove of Confidence MP3
The Cove of Confidence is a very gentle emotion release session. This session forms part of the fear and negative emotion release work that you will do in class, to ensure that there is no conflict for you, and you feel able to focus positively on your baby’s birth. This MP3 is designed to do exactly as it says….build your confidence!

Sea of Serenity MP3
This is the birth rehearsal session. As with the other sessions it has lots of suggestions about birth being a positive experience but this time with more of a focus on the labour itself and using the waves of the sea to link with the imagery used for breathing through your surges – “waves of relaxation”. Whilst any of the mp3s can be listened to whilst birthing…Sea of Serenity has been specifically written for this purpose.

Birth Affirmations MP3
Although the Birth affirmations aren’t actually a form of hypnosis and in fact are listened to consciously it is worth mentioning them here to point out the difference. It is in fact the only mp3 that can be listened to whilst driving or operating machinery
They are positive statements written in the present tense to help you practise new ways of thinking about birth. It helps get the conscious mind in sync with the aim of a positive birth experience and gives an alternative for any negative thinking.

MP3s for special circumstances
The Wise Hippo also has the following MP3s available so please ask your Wise Hippo teacher if any of the below apply to you
- Morning Sickness
- Caesarean birth
- Breech birth
- Induction
- Twins
- Breastfeeding
Sally O'ConnorThe Wise Hippo gave me the confidence not only in myself, but to ask questions and make informed decisions. Because of this, I remained in control throughout and owned our birth! Techniques have helped me beyond pregnancy and labour, including with breastfeeding and more recently (5 years later) in stressful situations #lifetimeknowledge
The Background music
In 2007 whilst I was pregnant with Alana, my Doula introduced me to a band called Bliss ( lead singer Lucinda Drayton/Album Through these eyes) and I totally resonated with this music whilst preparing for birth. I found it calming, positive, motivating and thought provoking.
So, when it was time to create the Wise Hippo MP3s I knew I wanted the background music to be just like this. So what did I do?
I went along to one of their concerts in Milton Keynes with a don’t ask don’t get attitude in mind. During the break I eagerly approached Andy Blisset (Must be where Bliss got their name from!) talented composer, producer and pianist and simply asked him if he would compose something for the Wise Hippo and to my surprise he said YES!
I cannot thank him enough for generously giving his time to us so that we could create the beautiful background music for the Wise Hippo hypnosis scripts.
You can hear a sample of The Wise Hippo Birthing background music here:

Andy’s music is magical and many parents enjoy listening to his music as an alternative to the hypnosis mp3s during pregnancy and whilst birthing.
Here is a link to Andy’s website : http://www.andyblissett.com