The True Beauty of Aging

I’m Turning 50!
I have been told that turning 50 means I will be able to leave many cares and worries behind me and embrace the true beauty of life...
But what does that mean?
“Age is just a number” is all I hear as I spend my last few days in my forties before reaching the big five-oh!
Yet I can't help but feel a little unsure and confused while saying this out loud...
'I am fifty!'
There is a sense of disconnection as I speak it into existence and I am not sure why.
I’m taking this opportunity to get raw and real with you all and it’s honestly how I’ve been feeling.
Is anyone else at this stage in their lives feeling the same sense of detachment?
As a child, I always thought you passed away as soon as you hit 100 years old (the magic of children's minds eh) So maybe subconsciously turning 50 to me means deep down that I am at my halfway mark.
Halfway to the end of time (or at least what I thought) and that makes me feel some kind of way!
It’s as though I have misplaced my rose-coloured glasses and all of a sudden life isn’t so rainbow-tainted as it once was.
Over the years and up until now I continue to practice what I preach. So I know we’ll and truly the importance of a positive mindset and how to keep any negative thoughts at bay during this pivotal moment in my life. Yet I still can’t help but feel weird about this transition.
Maybe this feeling is just a part of the transformative process my mind and body needs to go through as I look forward to life in my fifties?
We often choose to go down the path of least resistance yet it’s when we dive deeper into the unknown and push past our comfort zone that we find the greatest joy.
“Pure joy exists on the other side of your comfort zone”
For me now, my comfort zone is in my forties. Right here right now with all the life experiences that have led me right up until this point.
But now it’s time for a change. It’s time to enter a new era of this little journey that we are all on together called life.
I believe that I can begin to look forward to this milestone and life in my 50s by rewriting my story, setting new intentions, and creating inspiring affirmations that guide me towards gratitude each day.
For me 50 means...
- I am fearless
- I am not afraid to share my opinions
- I know myself better than I ever have
- I am grateful for the life that I have
- I can laugh at myself and with others
- I don't take life too seriously
- I don't care what others think of me
- I don't sweat the small stuff
- I am wise when it comes to decision making
- I am more at peace with the way I look
- I embrace my imperfections
- I have more fun and joke around more often
- I now have a reason for forgetting things.....finally!!!!!
- & a reason for losing things.....finally!!!
- I now have a reason for telling the same old stories
- I can now go home early without offending anyone
- The kids will be out of the house more
- I don't care if I can't sing
- My kids get fewer Christmas presents
- I get my licence to wear bigger knickers
It’s a time to celebrate life!
As you can see there's an abundance of good things about turning 50 so long as you know how to focus on them and express gratitude for all the goodness.
So if you too feel afraid, confused or detached when it comes to leaving your 40s behind and entering life in your 50s.
Don’t worry - we’re all in the same boat and it’s only natural to experience these feelings. After all, we are only human and emotions are energy in motion.
Thank you for being here and for the continuous love and support you give to The Wise Hippo.
Creating Hippopedia this year has given us the chance to express how we feel, share inspiring stories, and words of wisdom and pretty much get REAL with you all.
So I’m doing exactly that…
This is your gentle reminder that everything is going to be ok. No matter what we are faced with in life we journey through and come out the other side.
You’ve got this far and I have too so maybe it’s time to be a little less harsh on ourselves and put that energy into loving ourselves that little more.
With Love,