Stop My Induction!

Her birth was so different to Megan’s……
'It started in the early hours of Sunday at 3am where I was in bed and my waters broke….. it was like someone had left the hose running. After ringing my mum and dad about 20 times who didn’t answer to come and watch Megan, We decided to head to the hospital and bring Megan with us. I wasn’t in active labour, I think having Megan there my mind and body knew I wanted Megan safe before I could carry on.
The midwives observed me and then sent me away but booked me in to come back around 9pm to be induced at 2amish. So we went home, and slept and pottered about all day, mild surges but nothing major, but again the distractions of being at home I think caused everything to slow down. We returned to the hospital around 9.30pm and I just got on the bed, switched on my Wise Hippo music and got in the zone…..
My surges started to come on more consistently from around 10.30, every 10-15 mins, by midnight they were every 5 mins lasting around a minute.
Stop the induction process, my amazing body is doing it all on its own!
As I was still on the induction ward I buzzed the midwife and said I think this is it, she was sceptical but examined me and I was 4 cms, off to the labour ward it was….. by now they were every 1.5 mins lasting for 1.5 mins.
I headed to the delivery suite and they were thick and fast, the 1.5 interval just wasn’t enough break for me….. but I carried on going with my wise hippo techniques..
It was weird because during the surges they felt super intense but then in the interval I was like I’m fine it doesn’t hurt, then they’d fire up again.
The midwives kept offering me pain relief but by the time i hit interval stage where I could speak, I was like I’m fine…..
Anyway surges continued and by the time the midwife reappeared - my baby’s head was ready to come out.No pain relief required!
I breathed in an animalistic way at this point and birthed baby Margot on all fours.
A few more breaths later and she arrived, weighing 8lb 3oz.
No pain relief and no stitches...Go me!!!!
Thanks so much for all your help and advice over the last few months. I am completely obsessed with her and can’t believe she has been with us a week already.'
Sam xx
The Wise Hippo says - "Wow, your birth story is absolutely beautiful, and we're so grateful you shared it with us. Your commitment and practice truly made a difference. A big shout out to your Wise Hippo teacher, Michelle McGolpin – it sounds like her support was phenomenal and made a significant impact on your experience. Thank you, Michelle, for being such an incredible guide!