Change is good says the kookaburra...

In the centre of the dry Australian bush stood an old, wise gum tree
Each day a small kookaburra would shelter from the sun under the peeling bark of the tree
The Kookaburra did this because this is what she had seen other birds do
One evening a huge storm swept across the plain and uprooted the old gum tree clean out of the ground.
And the little kookaburra was forced to find shelter elsewhere.
She flew fast...
She flew high...
And eventually she came across a lush, green rain forest.
She'd never seen anything like it!
Huge bunches of fruit hung from every branch on every tree.
She could feast and shelter safely, peacefully...
The little kookaburra had never imagined that such a beautiful and harmonious place could exist.
And she never would have found it had the outside force of mother nature threatened her previous idea of comfort and security.
I share this with you for a reason...
When you or a friend experiences challenges and change in life...
You can view or think of the challenge in 2 different ways...
Thought One : I wish this wasn't happening...
Thought Two: I wonder what positive things can come from this...?
Without question, thought two is the viewpoint of people who have a better and more positive experience of life in general.
This is why, when empowering parents with great antenatal education, we teach them to take back the power of their thoughts so that they can live from a place of thought two - of positivity.
It's a genuine, deep feeling that...
Everything is going to be OK!
To us here at The Wise Hippo, it's a priceless feeling to have...
And to watch parents experience it for themselves - that's priceless too.
So, remember you can view any situation in life from a different perspective or viewpoint...
Because, really, just like that little kookaburra, we never know the gifts that change and challenges can bring...
Understanding that alone makes dealing with whatever life throws at you much more simple and having the Wise Hippo 'tools for life' by your side will help you think, feel and act in alignment with being who you wish to be.
With Love
The Wise Hippo