“Captain Your Birth”

Oct 19, 2021 by The Wise Hippo

Harry Kane and Kate Kane's hypnobirthing journey

Harry & Kate Kane’s Hypnobirthing Journey

“There is a lot of fear and anxiety around being pregnant and what kind of birth to have. 'Hypnobirthing taught me not to fear birth and take control of it.'”

- Kate Kane

The way you prepare for your birth matters and how you choose to do it will directly influence the outcome of your experience. The most important thing is that you and your baby have what we call here at The Wise Hippo ‘the right birth on the day!’

Harry and Kate chose to take charge and prepare for the birth of their babies using The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme to achieve the right birth on the day — three times now! This beautiful couple first looked into hypnobirthing with their firstborn, Ivy, as Kate was fearful of the unknown. Now she has the wisdom and techniques needed to take control of her labor for an empowering experience. As this was their 3rd time round, they could take the Wise Hippo refresher class which our teachers also offer. These sessions offer a great opportunity to discuss previous births and focus on the key elements of their Wise Hippo practice. Let’s dive into their journey and explore the beauty of hypnobirthing.

Preparation is key

When it’s almost time for your little one to arrive, you will have prepared physically from packing your hospital bag to choosing which clothes you will wrap him or her in as they enter the world for the first time. You hear others speak of this prep and it comes as second nature. But, what we aren’t often taught is how to prepare mentally and emotionally — this is where the power of The Wise Hippo's approach to education comes to light.

Wise Hippo parents report back that they were able to make calm, informed choices — even when their birth preferences needed to change along the way due to special circumstances.

The Wise Hippo HUB

The Wise Hippo HUB is home to exclusive knowledge and resources where you will discover:

  • All of your empowering Wise Hippo hypnosis tracks to help you prepare for your baby’s birth
  • An incredible Wise Hippo video library full of positive, real-life birth footage (be prepared to be blown away!)
  • An abundance of information that will build your confidence and remove your fears
  • Peer Support - Join our supportive Facebook community where you can connect with other like-minded parents.

Harry & Kate Kane’s Hypnobirthing Experience

Powerful words from Kate. You can read the full caption on her Instagram @katekanex

Kate had others reach out to her from a place of fear and anxiety around being pregnant and what kind of birth to have. Kate herself was so fearful of the unknown when she was pregnant with Ivy and hypnobirthing taught her not to fear birth but to take control of it.

“After the course, I was so excited to give birth to the girls, however, unlike my previous pregnancies I struggled this time.”

Kate was comparing herself to other women online and their birthing stories which created some negative emotions and ignited a sense of fear. That combined with the pressure of lockdown and isolation made this time round a little different.

“I think now more than ever there is so much fear, anxiety, and pressure around birth so look into Hypnobirthing and remember to stay POSITIVE!

I turned to hypnobirthing again to get that feeling of control and confidence back

The bottom line is it doesn’t matter how your baby enters the world as long as they are safe. But IF it can be the mother’s choice and a positive experience then that’s even better. Every woman’s story is their own and unique to them, no two births or pregnancies are the same and no one should pressure you into any particular path, it’s your free choice. Whatever way you choose, hypnobirthing can help with all types of births, not just natural.

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think”

We are delighted to hear that Kate and Harry endorse The Wise Hippo in this way. It’s an inspirational gateway for other parents to explore this as a birthing option.

Get to know your body

By grasping a deep understanding of your amazing body you can tap into how to work with these changes during pregnancy, not against them. When you work in harmony with your body you can feel totally in control whilst birthing and a sense of bliss takes over. Hypnobirthing allows you to understand your body and your pregnancy by teaching you the techniques for a calm and confident birth. This allows you and your partner to have that control and use these methods if you need them whatever turn your birthing takes.

When you are in a relaxed state, your body can flow as it should. Stress and anxiety are two feelings we want to overcome and replace fear with confidence and love.

Nurture your mental wellbeing

The Wise Hippo knowledge will make sure you are in the best place mentally and remove any fears as you prepare for the birth of your precious baby and parenthood. Here at The Wise Hippo, Mental health and wellbeing are important to us and it is one of the main reasons that we choose to teach this particular type of education and why midwives and celebrities choose us over other hypnobirthing brands.

The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme is a modern approach to hypnobirthing that focuses on pregnant couples achieving the right birth on the day. It encourages you to:

Gain confidence and comfort

Embrace an empowering experience

Listen to your body and connect with your precious baby



The Wise Hippo was born so that we could guide you, your birthing partner, and your new bundle of joy towards the right birth on the day.

You know that we love to send you a little monthly gift in our newsletters. We have now added a free pregnancy relaxation MP3 to download on the homepage of our new website. Feel free to share this with any pregnant friends or colleagues that cross your path.

Our gift to you - The Wise Mother Relaxation Session (You will find this on our homepage!)

The Wise Mother Session is a great way to start your hypnobirthing journey. It is a celebration of pregnancy combined with a beautiful emotional connection experience between mum and baby. A way to experience some precious bonding time together.

Discover calm amidst the chaos

Now more than ever we are living in a world that’s infused with uncertainty and fear of the unknown. When we have no control over what is going on around us, we can take control of what’s going on within. In moments of chaos, we always have the option to retreat within, to discover inner peace.

Powerful Affirmations to inspire and change your way of thinking:

I am living in the present moment. I’ve got this.

I listen to my body and connect with its cues.

I have all the knowledge I need to make the right choice for me and the health of my body.

I am safe, I am loved, I am empowered.

I know how to remain calm, relaxed and in control whatever crosses my path.

Captain your birth like Harry and Kate with a passionate coach to support you and your birth partner as you train your body and mind for the most important day of your life.

You got this, Wise Mama.


The Wise Hippo x